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Need Data and Insights?

We're industry veterans with access to data and dashboards.


Our smart data sourcing brings you insight and focus for data-driven decisions.

Dealer Group Mapping

  • US top dealer groups are mapping to owned group dealer locations and URLs 

  • 140+ groups included 

  • Updated monthly

US Automotive Industry

  • Dealership Sites

  • Vehicle Data

  • Market Pricing

  • Live Market Inventory

  • Vehicle History

US Dealer Associations

  • Contact list of national, state and regional dealer associations

US Digital Retail Market

  • DR vendor market share report with dealer counts 

  • 35 vendors across 18,000 dealership websites

Sphere on Spiral Stairs

Need Specific Data? We've Got it.

We specialize in collecting custom data for vendors, dealers, and VCs.

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